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Affiliate Program FAQ
What and Affiliate Program? How does it work?
An Affiliate Program is a revenue sharing program where the affiliate drives traffic to a merchant's web site in
exchange for referral commissions. When a user clicks on the affiliate link to the merchant’s website and completes
a purchase, he (she) gets a commission!
How do I get started?
Step 1. Sign up to the program.
Step 2. Accept the Terms & conditions. Once your application is approved,
you will get access to the banners, coupon codes and text links that you can place on your website.
Step 3. Start collecting your commissions!
How much the participation cost? The membership in our Affiliate Program is absolutely free. As an active participant you just need to keep linking and collect your commissions.
Who can participate in the Affiliate Program? Anyone! It doesn’t matter whether you run a large ecommerce website or a small blog you are welcome to join our program.
How are sales tracked? Once your membership is approved, you will be provided with banners, text links and other marketing materials that you can promote on your website. When users click on one of the links you placed, they will be directed to our site and their activity will be tracked by our affiliate program.
How much will I earn?
All affiliates can get a commission from each purchase made by their referrals.
We pay commissions upon your withdrawal request and when the commission balance is sufficient.